Revolutionize Your Logistics Operations
Proven Efficiency Gains and Solutions for Common Logistics Challenges.
Handling tons of emails every day?
Managing emails and attachments in logistics is time-consuming and error-prone. Operators are overwhelmed with repetitive tasks, leading to inefficiencies and frustration.
Endless email sorting and manual attachment saving.
Increased risk of mistakes with manual processes.
Time Waste
Repetitive tasks, and work often being done multiple times.
Bridge2C: Empowers your Microsoft Outlook
Bridge2C simplifies logistics operations by integrating seamlessly with Outlook and CargoWise. It includes an Outlook plugin that streamlines communication and enhances productivity for logistics professionals.
Save time, reduce errors, and improve team collaboration.
Reduced shipment
processing time
Reduced operational
ACS Logistics Case Study
Bridge2C has also reduced email processing time by 25% and improved the overall workflow. Additionally, Bridge2C has decreased the average shipment processing time by 20%, further enhancing efficiency. All of this was achieved with just one ’simple‘ Outlook plugin.
improved email
less errors
Our Mission
How can the quality of an operator’s performance be improved without making their tasks more complex, and even simplifying them?
Built with logistics experts for logistics experts.
Maximilian Heinisch
No Bridge2C – No Fun – Don’t want to be without it.
Thomas Sticht
Bridge2C processes over 90% of all emails.
Ulrich Hartwig
Implementation and rollout took no longer than 1 hour.
Powerful Features to Enhance Your Operations
Everything in one place at Microsoft Outlook. No extra software needed.
We design smart logistics tools tailored to our logistics operators‘ needs.
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. – Leonardo da Vinci
User / Month (billed yearly)
User / Month (billed yearly)
Empower your operations today.
All you need is CargoWise, Microsoft 365 and the desire to make things better.